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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  November 6, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EST

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what the lattst numbers show in the race for prrsident. a week aftee hurricane sandy... there'' a thheat of possible track of a noreaster and what it could bring our way. and... three things you can do to save money today... without feeling he pinch. 3 3 3 tuusday nooember 6th.. election day! it's our fox45 "thanks giveaway" 110 dollar visa giftcards morning news through thanksgivi. thanksgiving. ,3
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you have 11 minutes to call us at 410-481-45455tt laim your ! prize!want tt get your name in the box?go to faaebook dot com slash foxbaltimore and clicc &pon "ccntests" to fill out the form and read the official ruues. 3 3 3 3 &p 3
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3 &p3 the otes are coming ii as we speak on this election day... and according to he most recent polls... the race for the white house is going to be a close one. one.megan gilliland is here numberssat this hourr good morring guys,righh now...
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the polls show it's very close. pot longer... before an announced.the "real-clear" politics average offpolls... shows president baraak obama with a slight lead over &prepublicannmitt romney.3 of phow obama ahead.2 olls show romney aheed.and 3 including &ptte most recent poll... actualll show the race tied. there's no question that these ffnal hours are crucial for as they presenn closing arguments on the campaign trail. "does raising taxes put people to work? (no!))how about his avalanchh of new regulations, does that help small his plln to require companies &pto ave unions whether the employees want to vote or thhm or not -- carr cheek, does that create jobs? (no!) you passee the test.""aad if youure willing to work ith me wwthhme, make some phone calls
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for me, urn out at the polls for me, we'll win wisconsin, we'll win this electton. " "winning the white housee.. mmans winning the electoral college.and this year here are ome key swing states thht could ecide the election. p'll show yyu who's leading in each of those swing ssates at hhlf our.i'm megan gilliland, that brings us to our question of the day.with suchha tight hhve a clear winner tonight? we'll take your calls in our 77o'clock hour. youucaa also go to fox-baltimore doo com and tell us what you thinkk.. sound off through facebook or send us a tweet.. aa foxbaltimore. the first ballots cass in the u-s... have already been counte. &pcounted.the polls in the smal town of dixville notch, new mitt romney each received five votes.residents have been votinggat midnight ince 19- 68... bt the tie is a fiist.
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anothee small new hampshire pown... hart's location.. also eeectionnday is not what it used to be. instead of tthir votes.... now most ast states offer early voting on many days. and in maryland &pmore thaa 430 ttousand voters have already ast heir ballots. thh nnmber of early voters as 2010. so ow busy will the polls stiil be today? joel d. mith is live at a polling site in expected turnout, and the best times to avoid lines. 3 good morning guys. poting... was a success ...for maryland.... / ... ill... come out ple - vott today... polling sites ... will be open... from... 7 a-m o 8 p- m..../// offfcials say...
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to... avoid having... to stand long lines ...// come... before your lunch hour.... ///... the later it gets, the more people are expected to show uppat the polls. also, to streamline your time here,... know how pou are going to vote... with questions, senate seats, and of courss the presidenttal election... thii is a long ballot this yeaa. 3 "it's all in being ppepared on the ballot ann if voters would read over that from the sample ballot and be prepared it will be a veey short wait." wait."remember n maryland voters are not required to phow i-d. all you hhve to give is your name, address and date pf birth. 3 3 3 coming up next half hour a clooer look at some of the controversial qqestionn on the ballot that is bound to drive up turnout. live in cockeysville, joel d. smith, ox 45 morning news.
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3 here's aa uick look at five things you need to know about election day in maryland. maayland.the polls aae open wwll have four big ballottquestioos toovote on. &pquestion 4... or thh maryland dream ct... wwuul give in iimigrants who meet certain cri. criterra..uession 5... lets you decide whether the state's congresssonal redistricting map willlgo into effect. effect.question 6... would legalize same sex marriage n maryllnddbeginning january firs. expand gambling y allowing table games and bring a casino to prince george's county. theesearch is on this morning for thh men whh beat a baltimore man in broad dayyight. ood john mason is n crrtical condition at shock traumaa as fiie men beaa mason nearly unconscious at lombard and howard streets in downtown
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baltimore... in the middleeof baltimorhe day on a r coma... with multiple skull fractures and ome brain are unsure of a motive. ators - they're looking at robbbry.. &pbut nothing was taken from th victim. police are investigating after a woman is stabbed to death in ssothwest baltimore. happened monday afternoon near washington boulevard and west ostend street.the 51 year old victim was found in hhr home by a word on a suspect or a motivee t this time. it's as uch of an american -- post-holiday debt. but pping trimming some costs right now can help you stash some cash friday.tip number one -- stop paying forrtext messages -- and pooentially overage fees - appp. variety of free texting - tippnuuber two -- dig ii your wallet to find and sell &punwanteddgiit cards. kiplinne says tte average household has
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about 300 dollars worth just laying around. annonllne gift card exchange won't givv the full value of the card, but it's better than nothing. nothing.and finally - adjust instead of waiting orrthe usual fat refund in the spring. it's as simple as ffliig a nnw w-4 ffrm wiih your employer. the changes can take effect with your next paycheck -- and could puu almost 500 dollars next two months. ccminggup... 3explore the deep sea.. for les. less.the one day a week when you can savv bg on admission morning. l local.. all -rning 3 ((bump out)) morning. l local.. all -rning 3
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it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button, you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen.
6:12 am
i've always been lucky. flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around, and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen. 3
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3 3 3
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3 it's our fox45 "thanks giveaway" giieaway!"we're giving away every hour, everyddy on fox45 morning news through thanksgivv. thanksgiving.
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you have 15 minutes to call us at 410-481-4545 to claim your p! prize!want to get your name in the box?go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore and click and read the official coming p... the one thiig a new ssudy finds.. áeveryoneá needs to changee.. when it comes to their health. and... the only product consumer reports says could use that extended arranty... and why it's just a aste of else..ou're watching fox 45 morning. 3& mom: ready to go to work? ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ every mom needs a little helper. that's why i got a subaru. announcer: love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. new this morning... marylann
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isn't the only state with saae sex marriage on the ballot today.voters in maine and to cast their votes on whether or not o legalize it in their
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the three states.. it would be &pthe first time same sex marriage was made legal by popular ote.court orders have made it legal in six states so voters in three states will decidd whether or not to legalize marijuana today.the proposals in colorado, oregon adults to posess smalllamounts of pot.the drug would be subject o state regulation and taxess according to the american heart assocation... everyone eeds to llwer their salt intake. salt consumption shouud be limited to less than fifteen hundred heaathy individuals.n for it turnn out high blood pressure isn't just bad for &pyour heart.. it's also ad fo your brain.a new ssudy finds people with the condition... may experience brain aging. scientists analyzed data from 600 people and fouud that the brains of people with higher blodo preesure were significantly lees healthy than those with normal blood &ppresssre. coming up...
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ramona called and claimed her 100 dollar visa gift card!that means we'll draw anothhr winner in jjss 10 minutes.stay tuned to listen ffr our name. and next... gettthe latest iiformation on your candidate... whill in line at the polls.our list of must- have election day smartphone apps. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all orning. oh! green mountain coffee! how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa, and you'll always find your favorite. with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. and i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds,
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he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. ((bump n)) after months of campaigning it
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whether you're looking to share the excitement of undecided voter looking for last-minute information before youuhead to the polls, there aae smartphone apps to help. suggestions.hassa few suggestio. --repooter pkg-as follows -- on eleccion night, a lot of folks will be looking right here to chicago, where prrsident barack obama will spend election night to see whetherrhe's re-elected as presidenttof the united boston where mitt romney has his headquarrers. but if you can't be in either city, don't worry, there's an pp for that. into now, which is a great second screen application that will allow you to interact with others while you're watching election congress plus will help you learn about literally every of representatives - voting record, financiers, other
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connact information - which also extends to their facebook, twitter and youtube presence and then another is a fun fact-checker-slash-game called settte t by politifact whiih really diagnoses which candidates and surroggtes are telling theetruthh sort of the truth or have their pants on fiie. //every four years not onny do we gettto choose who's the leader of the free world, but an election is also a great showcase for teehnological innvoation. in 2008 it was the dawn of social in apps and even mooe social media tools. what will influence the 22-16 presidential race? we'll just &pchicago, i'm karrn caifa. ------nd-----cnn.script----- and f course we'll have all the latest electioo news on our website... ffx-baltimore dot on "vote 002"
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in the hot topics question at the top of the screen. vote often.but not all in one - day.the penalty one woman could face for tryiig to vote twice in the same election. ((megan live tease))some polls are alleady openn.. what the race for preeident.
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electiio day has arrived. the turnouu in marylann and down. ttnighh on fox 45 news 3t fivee. 3 3 it's our fox45 thanks giveaway" 100 ddllaa visa ggftcards y -3
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every hour,,everyday on fox45 &pmorning news througg thanksgi. thankssivvng. p,,3 you have 15 minutes to call us at 410-481-4545 to claim your p! prize!want to get your name in the bbx?go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimoreeand lick oo "contests" to fill out the formmand rrad the official rrles.
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3 &p map 40 mmp 3
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3 3 as we head into election day... polls show president barack obama and governor mitt deadlocked.right ow... alll eyes are on the swing states. megan gillilaad is here withh good morning guys,winning the white house... meann winning the electoraa re the keyyswing states to keep an eyeeon. on.according the "real-clear" politics average of polll... the closesttappears to be virrinia right now where the polling average shows president obama leading by less than haaf a point. governor romney with... a point and a half lead. lead.the resident appears to be ahhad in ohio by almost 3 pointssstill this one could be the most decisiie bbttteground . pennsylvania... tte
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president is ahead y nearly 44. points.he won north carolina in 2008 but polling shows romney aheaddnow in that state &pby 3 points. points.there's no question that ttese final ouus are crucial for the presidential candidates... s they ppesenn campaign ttaii... some of them a little emottonal. president obbaai want to take wipps off the first tear ) one thing to aal the young peop who've givennso much to this campaign over the yeers. those of who who haven't donn this other. for a laid off faaily &pmember, for a sick child, for a fallen friend ( wipes off the second tear for all of you who've livee and breath the hard work of change, mitt romneynats: "i cannget eel change to gettthissnation growing again.(cheering)" the work that so many of you have been doing. // now let's make sure we get everyone out to vote on tuesday, everyone you know, bring to the polls (c"
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polls show it is very close and it could be a longg &pniggt... if not llnger... announned. stay with us for continuing coverage of vote 2012.i'm megan gilliland, fox44 morning nees. 3that brings us to ouu questton race... do you think we'll have a clear winner tonight? we'll take youu calls in our 7 o'clook hour. you can also go to uu wwat you thinn... sound off throuuh facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimmrr. maryland voters are deciding several controversial ballot &pissues, including same sexx marriage. and those questions are expected to polls. joel d. smith is lls. live at a polling locctioo in cockeysville now, with mooe on look at question 6. 3 3
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uys more than 430 thousand voteessare excused todayy because they already voted! early voting was a big success in maryland this ttme... withh &palomst twice as many ppople choosing to cast their ballots phat way than in 2210. still, rrgistered voters are expected to come out today.... and as &psigns... the uestions on the why. question 6 is a historic peferrendum item in marylandd never have voters in any legalize...same sex marriage. that's why suuporters...inclu dinn governor o'malley were seen makinggsome finnl pitches &pyesterday. the law would prohibit any hhuse of worship...from performing... bbliefss..of that institution. a new poll conducted by goucher college...ffunn surveyed...supportallowingg same-sex couples... to marry. but a recent baltimorr sun poll...foundmarylanders virtually plit...on the question. (mccoy) "marriage crosses demoninational lines, it crosses cultural lines, crosses sooio-economic lines, it crosses political lines, marriage is not democrat, reeublican, independent, green is about an institution rriage defined as bbtween one man andd one woman." (clippinger) "it's
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annther step allng the process tt for seeing all maaylanders and americans as those who are deserving of that same equality nd quity undee the l" law." we'll find out today iff maryland makes history. the polls aaeeopen fromm7am uutil 8 pm. live in cockeysville, joel dd smith, fox 45 morning news. for trying to vott twice. - can see roxanne rubinnbeing taken away by federal ageets... after ssowing uppat a seccnn pplling place to cast her vote.. fellow voter tippee of the secretarr of state's first.. sheedenied the laim. 3"theyyran her name on thh had already voted. they said - you've already voted. he said no i haven'ttthat's a miitake. they said, no it's not a mistak" miitake."rubin is charged with times in the sameeelection.e
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it's aaclass d felony... which carriee a year sentence. 33 one week after supeestorm sanny victimized the atlaatic staten island, new york - like is covered in pile after pple - can see it piled up ii the street... and on lawns.residents are overwhelmed by thh sheer vollme of destruction.many have lost everything they own. volunteeess reeworking too deliver food, water, clothes and other supppies toothe area. and homeowners are continuing to pick up thh pieces in the aftermath of to try aad sslvaae tto much. - the food and drug aaministtation ssys thht starts with any ood that might have had a chance o come in contact with flood infectious disease or anger of chemicals spread through flood waters ... fooddneeds to be
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thrown away.and according tt house that can't be in your - disinfected, iie many phillren's toys,,carpetinn, 3&cominn up... we're still l - waiting for cynthia hill o call in an claim her 100 dollar visa gift card. card.if sse doeen't call we'll draw another naae after the your nnme. morning re watching foxx45 - news.. all local.. aal morning. ((bre
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maryland, it's time. time for marriage equality. question 6 strengthens protections for our churches and guarantees the civil right to commit to the one you love. while there are those trying to divide us, presidents obama and clinton stand with us. pastors, business leaders, newspapers, democrats and republicans are all coming together for question 6. because it's about fairness-- treating everyone equal under the law. and who could be against that? ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 3 3 it's our ox45 "thanks giveaway" giveaway!"we're giving away 100 dollar visa giftcards every hour, eeeryday on fox45 morning news through thanksgivi. thanksgivinn.
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3 at 410-48114545 to claim your pe prize!want to get your name in the box?go to facebook dot com on "conteets" to fill out the form and read the ooficiaa coming upp.. it's electionnday.. and time for the candidates to ggt down po business. business.we take youulive to bboton to check in on the romney camp... and their plans race for the hite house.e &pnews.. all local...all morning. 3
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3 new this morning... firefighters areeon the scene of a 4 alarm fire in fells southhbroadway.the fire deeartment ttlls us it's a vacant 5 story comercial
6:49 am report of any injuries at this time. 3former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords cats her vote in tucson.giffords dropped off her mail-in ballot &pat a recorder's office monda afternnon.she is still recovering from a gunshot wound o the head in 2011. giffords was accompanied by her former assistant, ron barber, who finished out her &t it is election day and both caadidates are gearing up fr one final day n tte campaignn ttail.with the polls showing mitt romney and president obama in a dead heat... who will come ut on top? emily schmidt ii live in boston where the romney camp pssgearing up for the election.? 3mmly??- 3 new ampshirr voters in onn smallltown have
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already cast their votes? romney's trip ,3&ptoday that he added to his
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schedule? & coming up...
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are extenddd warranties ever consumer reports recommends you buy extra coverage for. yyu're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 i've always been lucky.
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flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around, and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message. ((bump in))
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holiday shopping is just tte hard sellssfor extended warranties and service plans. consumer repoots says there's a real dolllrr-and--ents reason for this. sttres make a lot more profit on these than on the acttal product you're 3 whether you are buuing a holiday gift a& or you need a new appliance a you're often urged to buy a service plan. plan.even ooline, many sites offer an "extended protection
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plan" before you check consumee reports' tony giorgianni says service plans are almost never worth it.(sot) "our reader survey shows that much during the service contract period. aad even if they do, it doesn't cost that much more to repair them thhn it does for the contraat itself."extended service plans are expensive. they can boost your costt by 30 percent or more and run into huudredd of dollars.(sot: tony gioogianni) "if you pay for a repair yourrelf, there's a better chance thht it's going toobe done corrrctly and quicker thannif you had it repaired under contract." that's what dryer bboke.he was told hh'd have tt wait three weeks to have it reppired under the pervvce contract. ((ot: allen ppacock)"i expected prompt service. and instead was told fella." consumer reports says better than buying a servvce plan is paying with a credit &pcard. many cards automaticall extend the manufacturer'' check your termm. alling the
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manufacturer can pay off, too. (sot: tony giorgianni)"just beeause the mmnufaaturer's warranty has expired doesn't necessarily mean that you're out of luck. iffyou contact the manufacturer and ake a pood argument, there's a ggod chance the company wwll pay for part oo ll of the repair." consumer reports says the one possible exceptton to the "no xtended wwrranny rule" ii phen buyyng a laptop.if you're going to travellwith it a lott consumer reports says you may want to consider an extended warranty that covers accideetal damage. coming up in our 7 o'clock brandoo o'neal has just a couple minutes left tt caal to claim his 100 dollar visa giftcard.if he doesn't call.. we'll draw anothhr name right pfterrthh break.stay tuned to &. ((joel live tease))yoo're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) some polls are alrrady open...
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what the latest numbers show in the race for president. profiting off victims of sandy. the thing that'' happening on craigslist....that has new york's attorney general pnvestigatinn. and terror in the skies..andd on the ground!the horrifying seconds later!pees just - 3 - miami polls
7:00 am
tuesday, november 66 itts our fox45 "thanks giveaway" giveaway!"we're giving away 100 dollar visa giftcards every morning news through thanksgivi. thanksgivvng. 3 you have 15 minutes to call us at 411-481-4544 to claim your p!
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thh box?go to facebook dot com form and read the official k pules. 33 3 &p3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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333- ,3 3 3 3 3 3 &p3
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the first ballots cast in the counted.the polls in the small . town of dixville notch, new hampshire opened jjuttafter mid. pitt omney each received five votes.resideets have bben voting at midnight since 19- 68... but the tie is a first. another small new hampshire town... hart's locatiin.. also voted at midnight.the result there was obama 23, romney 9. the votes are coming in as we speak on this election ddy... and according to tte most receet polls... the race for the hite ouse &pone.meean gillilaad is ere
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with a brrakdown of the latest numbers at ttis hour. good morning guys,right now... the polls show it's verr close. it could beea long night... if not longer... before an official winner is announced. announccd.the "real-clear" politics average of polls... shows presiient barack obaaaa with a slight lead ooer governor mitt romney.3 of the &ppools in the average... show the presideet ahead.2 polls show romnny aheed.andd including the mmst recent poll... actually show the race &ptiid.there's no question thatt for the presidential cruuial - candidates... as hey present closing arguments on the campaign trail. "does raising taxxs put people to work? (no!) how about his avallnche of nne regulaaions, doos that help small businesses? (no!) how about hii plln to require companiis to have unions whether the employees waat to vote for
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them or not -- card check, ddes that create jobs? (no!) you passed the test.""and if you're willing o work with me againn and knock on some doors for me, turn with me, make lls out at the polls for me, we'll win wisconsinn we'll win this election. " "winning the white house... means winning the electoral colleee.and this year there are some keyyswinn staaes that couud decide the election. i'lllshow you who's leading in each of those swing statts at thisspoint... coming p next half hour.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. eleetion day is not what it used to be. insteaddof one day for miilions to cass their votes.... now most states offer early vooing on pany days. and in maryland more than 430 thoosand voters have already cast their ballots. bblloos. it's early twice tte number of early voters as 2011. ss how busy will the pools still be today? joel d. smith is live at a polling site in
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cockeysville with mre on he times to avoid lines. ood morning joel d. &p good morning guus. while early voting... was a puccess ...for maryland.... / offfccals... say... about.... 55-percent of out vote today... polling itee ... will be open... from... 7 a-m too8 p- m..../// officials say... to... avood having... to stand llng lines ...// come... before your lunch hour.... ///... the later it gets, the more people are expected to show up at the polls. also, to streamline yoo are goinn to vote....with questions, senate seats, and of courseethe pprsidential election... this is a longg ballot this year. 3 "it's all in being preparrd there areeatleast 20 questiins sample ballot and be prepared wait."prepared it will be a very sample ballot anddbe over ballot and if voters would - read over that from the sample palllt and beeprepared it willl wait."remember in maryland
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voters are not required to show i-d. all you have to give is your name, address and ddte 3f birth. - 3 3 3 3 3 of birth. 33 3 3 coming up next half hour a closer look at some of the controversial questions on the ballot hat is queetions on the controversial some of the closer look at half hour a coming uu next half hour a controversial questions on thee ballot that is bouud to ddive cockeysville, joel d. smith, &pfox 45 morning news. 3 that brings us to our question of the day.wiih uch a tight race... do yyu hink ww'll have a clear winner tonight? we'll take your calls
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later thii hourr you can call it.. .the ultimate abssntee ballot!every vote counts...including ballots cast from the eerth's orbit..ission control at the johnson space center in houston emails a digital version of the ballot up to piternational space statioo. ii comes back down to earth on the same path.the ballot is then sent to the voting authorities. a nevada woman is arrested for tryiig to vote átwiceá átwwceároxanne rubin was place...after the secretary of state's officc said they recieved aacomplaint... rubin haa checked into another polling place justta few hours computer; it showed that she had alreedy voted. they aid you've already voted. she said no i haven't that's a mistakee mistake." despite rubbn's istak" persistence, theepoll workers did not allow er to cast her information and days later iss harged with one count of -
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vooing more than once in the convicted, she could be sentenced to up to four years behind bars. scary moments at a texas airppr. airrort...what happened just seconds later..that made the povice pilot give up flying! plus, we're drawing another yours is called! called! you're morning news.d. smith, fox 45 &pcockeysvvlle, joel live in turnout. bound to drive up ballot that is questions on &pthe controversial ome of the closer look at half hoor a coming up next 3 3 of birth. 3 3 &p3 3- 3 3
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it's our fox45 "thanks giveaway" giveaway!"we're giving away 100 dollar viia giftcards ,3 morning nnws through thhnksgivi. thanksgiviig. 3 you have 15 minutes to call us prize!want to get your nnme in the box?go to facebbok dot com
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slash foxbaltimorr and click on "contests" to fill out the form and read tte official ruues. victims of super stormmsandy... are facing another hurdle! people are running on me - craigslist..that has the new investigating. you're watching fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning. - new this morning...
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pirefighters are on the scene of a 4 alarm fire in fells's hhppening now on departmenn telll us it's a vaaant 5 story comercial report of any &pinjuriis at this time. a new case offhepatitis-c diaanosed in marylandd.. may be coonected to the case of a traveling hospital worker... accused of tampering with needles.according to the deeartment of health andd
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mmntal hhgienn... testing shows the maryland resideet's infection ii closely elated david kwiatkowski (kwiht-kow'-skee) is facing charges in new hampshire for tampering with needles and infecting more than 30 people. the maryland patient was one of more than 17-hundree ppople who were urged to get tested after the charges wwre filed. 3&former arizona congresswoman vote in tucsoo.giffords her - dropped off her mail-in ballot at a recorder's office monday recoverinn from a gunshot wound to he head in 2011. giffords was acccmpanied by her former assistant, rrn barber, who finished out her term and is now running for a full term. 3 enjoy thee ish, take in a dolphii experience and enjoy fridays after five. emily gracey is at the
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national aquarium in baltimore to tell us all about this mornings hometown hotspot.- pow much are prices after five? - what can we see?- what is going on behind you? you? discounttprices for friday's after fiveewill
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run through march from 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.for moree pnformation log on to fox baltimore dot com slash a glimmee oo hope for super storm saady victims...
7:23 am much money the order to help in the recoveryyeffort! effort!but first... it's a aking..election day.up next... a polltical experttweighs in on the presidential race... that's in a dead heat. pews.. all local...all morning morning. ((break 3)) 3
7:24 am
i've always been lucky. flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around, and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message. this is it ...
7:25 am
electiin day 2012 s here and poters are heaaing to the polls. the race is too close to call and both overtime today ... still --3 trying to win voters to their side. political this morning with a look at &pthe finaa ours ann what we ca expect.-how do yyu see today playing out-will weehave a winnee tonight -how will the swing states go ... ohio-will pennsylvania turn-local &prefereedum issues 3 issses-local rrferendum -local referendum
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issues 3 3 you're watccing fox 3 3 3 you're 3 3 issues-local referendum turn-will go ... -how will the winner s tonighh -will we hhve winner tonight -how will the swing states go ... ohioturn-local referendum issues
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3&harrowing momenns at a texas airport...caaght on tape. tape.what happens just second
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later...that had the student pilot calling it quits! &ppyou're watchhnn foo 44 morning news.. all local.. all morning. electiio day has arrived. the turnouu in marylann and down. ttnighh on fox 45 news at fivee. 3
7:29 am
7:30 am
it's ouu fox45 "thanks giveaway" giveaway!""thanks iveaway!" giveaway!"it's our fox45 "thanks giveaway!" giveaway!!we're giving away morning news through thanksgivi. thanksgiving. 3 you have 15 minutes to call us pt 410-481-4545 to ccaim your p! prize!want to get your name in the box?go to facebook dot com
7:31 am
on "contests" to fill ut the form and read the fficial rules. &p 3 map liberty mapp 3
7:32 am
7:33 am
3 3 as we head into election day... polls show president barack obama and governor mitt deadlocked.right now... all eyes are on the swing states. megan gilliland is here with latest numbers at thhs hour. good morning guys,winning the white house... means winning the electoral are thh key swwng statee o keep an ye on. politics average of pools... the closest appears to be polling average shows president obama leading by point.florida... shows .- governorrrrmney with... a point and a half lead. lead.the ppesidenttappears too be ahead in ohio by almost 3 poonts.still this one could be theemost decisive battleground . pennsylvania... tte president is ahead by nearly 4 . points.he won nnrth carolina in 2008 but polling shows
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romney ahead now in that state by 3 points. pointssthere's no question that these final houus are cruciaa for the presiiential candidates... as they present closing arguments on the campaign traii... some of them a little emotional. presiienntobamai ant to take this &popportunity to say ( wipes off the firstttear ) ne thinggto all the youug people and not so young people who've given so much to this campaign over the years. those of ho who haven't done this just for me but for each other. for a laid off amily member, for a sick child, for a fallen friend ( wipes off the second tear orrall f you who'vv lived and breath the hard work of change, mitt omneynats: "i can get real change to get this nation growing again.(cheering)"rooney says: "thank you for the work that doing. // now let's mmke suree we get everyone out to vote on tuesday, everyone you know, bringgto the polls cheering)" (cheering)"right now... the
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polls showwit is very clooe and it could be a long night... if not longer... before an officcal wiiner s announcce. stay with us for continuingg ccverrge of vote 2012.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning maryland oters are deciding several controversial ballot issues, including same sex marriage. aad those questions are exppcttd to drive up turn out at the polls. polls. joel d. smithhis &plive at a polling location in cocceysville now, with more on exxected turnout, and a closer look at question 6. 3 3 & guys more than 4400thousand voters are excused today, because they already voted! in maryyand this time... with s allmmt twice as many people choosing to cast their ballots that way than in 2010.. still, about.... 55-percent of registerrd voters are expected to come out today.... and as you can see froo all the siins... the questions on the ballot are a big reason why. why. questiin 6 is a historic referrendum tem in maryland. never have voters in any state...approveda legalize...sameessx marriage. that's why suuporters...inclu yesterday. the law would s - prohibii any house of worship...from performiig... same sex marrrage ceremonies... if... its against the a new poll conducted by tion. - &pgoucher college...found 55-percent of those surveyed....upportallowinn
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poll...foundmarylanders arry. 3 question. the polls are open from 7am fox 45 morning news.. smith, - 3
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of the day.with such a tighh n - race... do you think we'll have a clear winner toniggt? phone lines are open now.. 3
7:38 am
gasoline is harddto comm by in new york and new jersey, riiht &pnow...and some people are cashing in... by selling it for outrageously high prices on craigslist. craigslist.prices advertised on the web siie monday afternoon... ere as high as 30-dollars a gallon. price-gouging is illeggl n both york's attorney general is launchiig an investigation into a week after superstorm sandy ravaged the northeast, elief donations continue to pour in. phe american red cross has dollars so far.that's more than double the 35- million-dollars it had aissd through friday morning. with tte money it has received, the red cross has been operating shelters and offering food, water aad relief supplies to storm victims. shockinggvideo out oo exas... of a small plane... clipping the top of an s-u-v... as it la. happeneddat an airport outside of allassover the weekend. you can see... as the airplane
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apppoachee the runway... the s-u-v... runs a stop sign... and stops right in front of it.the plane was damaged... even parts of it landing in the vehiclee the student pilot was harmed... but the incident leftthim shaken... and e hass decided to give up flying. -3 grab a coat!
7:40 am
&pcoat!!eteorologist jonathan myers tells yyu just how chilll it will be..when you head ouu to the, we're drawing another name in our thanksgiveaway! thanksgiveaway! ou''e watching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all morning. &
7:41 am
beep-bop-boop-bop boop-beep. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. ((bump in))
7:42 am
giveaway!"we're giving awaa way- 100 dollar visa giftcards 3
7:43 am
every hhur, everyday on fox44 morning news through thanksgivi. thanksgiving. 3 you have 15 miiutes o call us at 410-481-4545 to cllim your priz! prize!want to get your name in slash foxballimore aad clickkm on "contests" to fill out the form and read the offfcial rules. 3&&p((toss to weather)) 3 3&((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 meteerologist))((ad lib meteorologist))((ad lib ((toss to weather))((toss to weather)) 3((ad lib meteorologist)) &p3 p3 &p3
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3 3 3 3 3 3 meteorologist))((ad lib ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 3 3 3 3 &&p 3
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3 right now..the presiiential race is in a dead heat! heat!there is no clear we're asking you. you.wiih such a tight race... do you think we'll have a clear winner toniggt?our phone lines are open now.. 440- 481-4545.. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. aal morning neww.. all watching fox 45 morning pnws.. all locaa.. aal morning. ((break 6)) it's oysternomics 101. you named ben.
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by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. ((question of ddy animation))
7:50 am
7:51 am
who will it be?and will we know by tonight? tonight?with such a tight have a clear winner tonight? our phone liiessare open now.. 410-481-4545. 3 sean "it will probably end up in he ourts" courts"debbie"yes, it will be r" romney." derek"i dont like either onn of them, but obamaais goinn to win, like it or not." not."shhrry "not tonight. this is going to be too close a raceeto call. if it aapears romney willlwin, i'm sure everything will be scrutinizee for days" days"michelle "probably not... but mm vote is bama all the way." coming up in our 8 o'clock hour...we're drawing -!
7:52 am
name!ada patterson called in.. but you still have chance, in our thanksgiveaaay. you're watching fox 45 morring neww.. all local.. all &pmorning. 3
7:53 am
how you doing? alright, alright. now this is a party. what is that? go, go, go. mmm. give me some of that sauce. i don't know, i think i might bail. yeah, it's pretty dead. [ male announcer ] one is never enough. new kfc dip'ems. freshly prepared tenders dipped in irresistible sauces. this is it. now this is a party. [ male announcer ] try a 3 piece combo for just $5.
7:54 am
today tastes so good. 3coming up in our 8 o'clock
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change things up.the new s to - look... that'ssgot the internet buzzing. you're watching fox 5 morning news...all local.. all morning. ((brrak 8)) ♪
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8:00 am
chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
8:01 am
the one thing a new study finds.. áeveryoneá needs o change... when it comes to their health. and.. an unbelieveable trick play.wwether or not it worked... to play dead.. in the eed zone. 3 tuesdayy november 6th. 3 3 giveaway!"we're giving awayyway" 100 dollar visa giftcards every hour, everyday on fox45 morning news through thanksgivi. thanksgiving. 3
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you have 15 minutes to call us at 410-481-45455to claim your p! the box?go tooffcebook doo com slash foxbaltimore and lick form and read the official hee rules. 3 3
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33 the votes re cominn in as we speak on thhs election day... and acording o he most reeent polls... the rce for the white house is going to be a close one. one.tom rodgers has a breakdown of the latest numbees... along with yourr other top stories. stories. 3it could be a long niggt... if official winner is announced. announced.the "real-clear" shows president baaack obama with a slight lead over govvrnor mitt romneyy3 of the &ppplls in the aveeage... show the president ahead.2 polls show romneyyahead.and 3 including heemmst recent
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tied.there's no question that thhse final hours are crucial for the presiddntial candidates... as they present campaign trail. "doee raising taxes put people to work? (no!) how about his aaalanche of new regulaaions, does ttat elp small businessss? (no!) how abouu his plan o requireecompaniie to have unions whether the employees want to vote for does hat reatt jobs? (no!) you passed the test.""and if you're willinggto work with me again, and knock on some doors with me, make some phone calls for me, turn out aa the polls for me, we'll win wisconsin, we'll win thhs election. " "the candidates will continue to reachhout to americans aa they cast theii votes. president obama will do interviews throughout te day from chicagg....and romney will make appearances in pittsburgh, ennsylvania and cleveland, ohio. electioo day is not what it used to be. insteaddoff one day for millions to cast states offer early voting on
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many dayss and in maryland more than 430 thousaad voters have already cast their ballots. ballots. it's nearly twice 2010. so how today? joel d. smith is live at a polling site in &pcockeysville witt more on the pxpected turnout, and the bees good morning joel d. good morning guys. succcss ...for aryland.... / offfcials.... say... about.... 55-percent of ppople .... will... come 3polling sites ... will be open... from... 7 a-m to 8 p- m..../// officials say... to... avoid having... to stand ong lines ...// hour.... ///... the llter it gets, thh more people are
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expected to show up at the &pyour ttme here,... know how you are oing to vote... with questions, senate seats, and ballot this yeer. s a long 3 there are atleast 20 questions would readdover that from the pample ballot and be prepared it will be a very short wait." wait."remeeber in maryland voters to show i-d. alllyou have to ive is your name, address andddaae 3 p3 3 commng up next half hour a closer look at some of the controversial questions on the ballot that is turnout. morning news.ith, ox 45 - 33 3
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3 coostruction at the world trade cenner site in new york has resumed....a week after &pnew york governor andrew uom made the announcement yesterday.he said abouu 750 peturning to round zero.the 166acre site flooddd with sandy's storm surge last week. most of theewaaer has been pumpee out.ccews havv alss &premovee about seven feet of & september 11-th memorial and p,seum. a philadelphia eagles player
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plays "possum".... n a surprising n-f-l play... between theenew orleans saints. but.. it didn't have tte ending the team was looking look...eagles player brandon boykin takee the ick in his endzone... but check out rilee cooper... lying down on the other side of the endzone.. boykin throws across to cooper on the trick play... who ran it in for a touchdown... but boykin's pass toocooper... went forward illegally...flags came out nd he eagles were a prime time... for packing on poonds.the 10 fitness tips...
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that could help keep the 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) -3 3
8:11 am
8:12 am
walk through australia: he land of wild extremes and take reduced price. all foo a - emily gracey is at the national aquarium in baltimore to tell us all about this
8:13 am
morningsshometown hotspot.- how much are prices after five?- what can we see?- what is going on behind you? you?
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discount prices for friday's after five will run through march from 5:00 p.m.- 8800 p.m. for more information log n tt fox baltimoreedot com slash morning. 3 3
8:15 am
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8:17 am
3 3
8:18 am
3 p3 it's ur fox44 "thanks giveaway"
8:19 am
giveaway!"we'rr giving away 100 dollar visa giftcards every hourr everyday on ffx45 morning news thhrugh thanksgivi.
8:20 am
thanksgiving. 3 yyu havv 11 minutes to call us prize!want to get your name in ! the box?go tt acebook dot com slash foxbaltimore and click on contests" to fill out thee form aad read the official rules. coming up... slim downn.. in time for alllthose oliday part. parties.the expert moves... tto. lookk.. that's got the t -3 internet buzzing.yoo're watccing ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. watccing ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. flew 37 bombing missions over germany.
8:21 am
made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around, and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message. ((bump in))
8:22 am
8:23 am
before ou pack on the holiiay calories. you may wanttto work on sliming down. our fitnesss you trim the belly fat. danny lee from gold's gym joins us you have?. - what are the tips - how many reps should weedo?- realistically
8:24 am
8:25 am
will we see ny results before holidays? do you have questions about joining us during good ddy baltimore to show us a few nee exercises and answer your questions.meantime, you can coming up... an exotic tyour animal... discovered inssdeea jessup home. homeethe drug raid... that
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turned up more ttan police barrained for. a 99's girl-group... hhading back to the studdo.the other major projects n the wooks... for're watching fox 45 morniig news.. all local.. all morniig. &p ♪
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♪ we're lucky, it's not every day you find a companion as loyal as a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ((bbeak 3))
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(((ump in)) an r&b diva debuts a new look...a rapper eeps tte internet buzzing...and a pop group makes a bug announccment! announcement!it's tabloid tuesday! brandd proctor is here with more... beyonce debuted new look over the weekend.. and the bangs... thissisn't thh first time she's sportee bangs... i &plike it but im clearly biised... people were also talkinggabout her outfit.. 3
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evvrything doesnt haveett be skin tighh. i ttought the set pas a cute change for the diva... she still had on pgiseppe heels at a basketball ggme...what do you think boxer floyddmayweather and rapper 50 cent have been tradinn jabs on the internet...they claimed they &pgot into a witter war when mayweather refused to ay fiddy $10,000 he won in a bet. they later revealed the twitter beeffwas just a kind of wonddring what's really going on with that... because rick ross...who is 50's real enemy also got involved and was on fifty and floyd kissed and made up
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they're covering it up...with the word "puubicity" speaking of fifty ccnt... singer ciara finally broke herr silence about her relationship with the rapper.. kind of.. askiig an old flaae to apologize basically...well &ptongues startinn when when fofty once agaii tooo to the internet to say sorry!she was asked in an interview abbut fifty and the question renderrd her speechless..all ciara would say is that they were best friinds back in 2007...i'll guess we'll have to keep watching the internet for answers... tlc fans... this is exciting... bbz and hili say they are planning their they're also planning a tour
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and a biopic of their tlc's first since 3d,,which months after third member lisa crash in honduras.they ay dont worry they are still gging to souud like tlc... their own sound. theyre going tt keep doing that. they are heading into tte studio &psoon... 3&coming up... the swing states key... to winning the white hou. houseethe early polls numbers pn virginia, lorida andd'reewatching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all morning.
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((open)) 3 3
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3ap 395 map 3 3 3 3 as we head into election day... polls show pressdent rrmney virtually deedlocked. deadlockee.right now... all eyes areeon the swing states. tom rodgers is here ith
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latess umbers... along with your other top stories. good mornnng guys,winning the white house... means winning &pan eye on.g statessto keep politics average of polls..." the closest ppeers to be virginia riggttnow where the president bama leading by less han half a point. governor romney with... a lead.the presiddet appears to be ahead in ohio by almost 3 the most ddcisive battleground . pennsylvania... the presidenn iisahead by neealy 4 . points.he won north carolina romney ahead now in that state by 3 points. points.there's no question thhse final ours are crucial for the presidential closing arguments on the campaign trail... someeof them a little emotional. president obamai waat to take this oppprtunitt to say ( wipes off the first tear ) peopleeand not so young people who've given so much to this
8:37 am
campaign over the years..those of whoowho haven't done this just for me but for each thh second tear for all of iy & yyu who'veelived and breath the hard work offchhnge, mitt romney nats: "i an get real change to get this nation growing pgain.(cheering)"romney says: "thank you for the work that so many of you have been doingg // now let'ssmake sure we get everyone out to vote on tuesday, everyone you know, bring to the polls (cheering)" (cheering)" righttnnw....theepolls show ii a long night... if not longer... before n official &pwinner is annnunced. maayllnd voters are deciding several controverrial ballot issues, including same sex marriage. and those questions are expected to drivv up turn out at the olls. polls. joel d. ssith is live at a polling location in cockeysville now, wiih more on expected turnoot, aad a closer look at question 6. 3 3 3 &p4300thousand voterssarre
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excussd oday, because they already voted! eaaly voting was a ig successsin maryland this time... with alomst twice as many people chhooing to &pcast their bbllots that way than inn2010. still, registered voterssare expected &pttocome out today.... aad as signs....the quessions on the ballot are a big reason why. why. referrennum item in aryland. never have voters in any state...approveda legaliie...same sex marriage. that's why supporters...inclu seen making some ffnal pitches yesterday. the law would prohibit any house of wwrrhip...from performing... same sexxmarriage ceremonies... if... its against the beliefs...of that institution. a newwpolllconnuctee by gouuher college...fouud 55-percent offthose surveyed...supportallowing &pbut a recent baltimmre sun 3 poll...ffundmarrlanderss virtualll split...on the 3 3
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the pollssare pee from 7am cockeysvilll, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning ews. 33 3 county police stumbled upon a wild crime scene over the homm of a suspected drug the dealer in jessup. jessup.officers say they were serving a search warrant... after getting a tip abbut some poosible drug ttafficking... phen theyyfound a 3-foot alligator inside ichael gooden's home. home.golden says he found the by the baltimore highlands.he - also claims the animal is not dangerous.animaa ccntrol officers captuued the uncaaed pet and took it to an exotic pet facility i western maryland. 16645:20 - 16:45:29 "i wouud unussal... three foot american alligator." 3
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alligator."golden says he'd like to get the aaligator 3 back... but that's very unlikely. he'ssfacing drug charges... and could be chaaged withhillegally keeping the gator inside his residence in the first place. coming up... a recipe... that gets its inspirationnfrom the s. south.the chicken dish... 3
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3&coming up... heart issues caa impacttpatients... well beyond their medical bills. bills.the workplace problems that can result. celebrating the south... with a delicious dishthe crusted chicken... that uses georgia pecans. you're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all ornnng.
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((bump in)) 3&&p arr you in the mood for sommthing, salty crunchyyand delicioos?well your in luck tod crusted chicken toohonor &pjoiis us with more. - wherr d we start with pecan chicken?- do
8:50 am
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how lonn should it cook?east?- - cook??- to learn mmre about pecan
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crusted chicken log on to fox morning. poming up... heart disease can take a toll... on more han a person'sshealth. issues... to watcc out for. you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) maryland, it's time. time for question 6 strengthens protections for our churches and guarantees the civil right to commit to the one you love. while there are those trying to divide us, presidents obama and clinton stand with us. pastors, business leaders,
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newspapers, democrats and republicans are all coming together for question 6. because it's about fairness-- treating everyone equal under the law. and who could be against that? better phone, better internet. it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. we're actually getting more for our money with fios. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online. just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. there's at least three computers. [ girl 1 ] a tablet. [ woman 1 ] couple of gaming systems. we could all be running at the same time. we do not notice any dips. [ male announcer ] get tv rated #1 in customer satisfaction. and get the school year off to a great start with america's fastest, most consistent and most reliable internet. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] move up to fios today for just $84.99 a month for a year. with no annual contract, there's no reason to wait. you should totally get fios.
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[ male announcer ] visit now and see if you qualify for a $5 amazon gift card. there's no purchase necessary. welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
8:55 am
welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center according to the centers people suffer from a heaat and - attack in tte u.s. ot only does it take a ttol on the patient and the patieet's loved onee, it can also affect their workplace. carl azuzz&imp. heart probbems not only can e deadly, they can be ameeican heart ssociatiooss pngeles, peopleewith acute &pcoronary syndrome or a-c-s, which include hearttattacks, angina and chest ppins, not may be faced with lost income - from work aad in some cases an iiabillty to go back to their
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jjbs. researchers analyzed medical and insurance claiiss employees and their dependents found the annuallhealthcare moor than 8- thousand dollars discovered employees with a- c-s lost approxiiately 60 days of work on shorrtterm disability, and 397 days on long term.for their employers disability costt 88thouuand dollars ppr each short term plaim and up to 52-thousand- five-hundred dollars for long the biggest concern to &pinvestiggtors was the age of these patients. studyyauthors noted 47 percent offa-c-s patients are younger than 655 researchers believe ii companies provided workers cessation, and nutrition they &pcould cut down on these monstrous cosss as employees gottolder. for today's hhalth minute, i'm carl azuz.
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according to the salt intake. intaae. salt consumption should be limited to less than fifteen hundred milligraam a day ven for healthy individuals.doing so can aaso lower a person's chance of develooing cardiovascular disease. coming up on good ddy baltimore... phhtoshopping... gone wrong. wrong.the bbatant mistake that can be spotted in an ad... featuring a well-known n-f--'re watchinggfox 45 morning newss. all local.. all morning. i got it when my internwas fas. [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for?
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switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... and internet ranked the fastest in the nation... it's one hundred percent fiber optic, one hundred percent different from cable. switch to fios for our best price online -- just $84.99 a month for a year... with no annual contract or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. go to today. that's and see why millions have chosen fios over cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
8:59 am
and see why millions have chosen fios over cable.


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